Some Questions You May Be Asked During a Python Job Interview

It's fairly easy to learn the Python syntax, but Python as a full-featured language, is not that easy to be fully mastered.

In my experience, these questions are the most likely be asked during a job interview about python, I wrote down the answers, hope that may help you!

Q: What is lambda operator in Python, how do you use it?

A: The lambda operator or lambda function is a way to create small anonymous functions

for example:

>>> f = lambda x, y : x + y
>>> f(2,2)

Q: What is PEP8?

A: PEP8(Python Enhancement Proposal) is a coding standard proposed by Guido and others.

Q: What is the differences between List and Set in Python?

A: Set contains unordered collections of unique elements, List contains ordered collections of elements. In a Set, Python uses hashtable to find elements, which is more efficient than iterating through all the elements in a List. So Set can only contains hashable items.

Q: How are arguments passed – by reference or by value?

A: Nither, Here is a good article to explain it: Is Python call-by-value or call-by-reference? Neither.

Q: What is GIL in Python?

A: Python's GIL is intended to serialize access to interpreter internals from different threads. On multi-core systems, it means that multiple threads can't effectively make use of multiple cores. (If the GIL didn't lead to this problem, most people wouldn't care about the GIL - it's only being raised as an issue because of the increasing prevalence of multi-core systems.)

ref: What is a global interpreter lock (GIL)?

Q: Given a = [1,5,3], what is the difference between a.sort() and sorted(a)?

A: sorted() is a built-in function which sort the list a and return it, while sort() is an function under a which return nothing.

Q: What is the difference between _xx, __xx and __xx__ in Python?

A: The first one and the third one are conventions, the second one has a real meaning. One underline in the beginning of a method or attribute means you shouldn't access this method. Two underline in the beginning of a method tell the interpreter to replace this name with _classname__xx as a way to ensure that the name will not overlap with a similar name in another class. Two underlines in the beginning and in the end means these names are used by Python system. This article explains everything: Difference between _, __ and xx in Python

Q: What is the difference between class Foo: and class Foo(object): in Python?

A: We call class Foo: old-style class, and class Foo(object): is called new-style class. They have different object models, and new-style class has super(), @property and descriptors, etc, wthich can not be found in old-style classes. See this article for a good description of what a new style class is: Type and Class Changes


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About the author

Hey, I'm Peixuan, a software engineer. I write posts about things I learned.
